
Covestro, Transformation, and the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Written by: Sirin Emre-Flender

What are the implications of transformation, how can companies keep up? And how can companies take all their employees with them on the journey of transformation? These are some of the questions discussed by Sophie von Saldern, Global Head of Human Resources at Covestro, on the New Work Stories podcast. We’ve revisited a few topics in more depth.

Sophie, everyone is talking about transformation. Is this just another buzzword that is being whittled away from the top down? Who is actually responsible for the transformation at Covestro?

“Transformation is definitely one of those words that are used rather inflationarily. That is of course due to the fact that transformations occur in very different contexts, whether we’re talking about digital, environmental, or technological transformation. Often the different areas in which we come across transformations are also interrelated or affect each other mutually. It is important that we bring our employees with us on the journey of transformation.

In my opinion, the responsibility for propelling the transformation is shared. There are aspects of transformation that have to be driven traditionally from the top down by an Organization. For example, we cannot change the culture in the company unless certain values are exemplified by the Board of Management, demanded by managers, supported and then transmitted. HR plays an essential role in empowering the workforce and enabling them to participate in transformational topics. Not only do we need to support our employees in their learning, but we also need to integrate them emotionally. On the other hand, each and every employee also has a responsibility to view themselves as part of the journey and to be actively involved.”

Can you perhaps elaborate on that a little bit? For example, let’s take artificial intelligence as a field of transformation – how is Covestro handling this? How exactly can responsibility be shared here?

“At Covestro, many different areas are currently focusing very strongly on the topic of artificial intelligence. At HR, we also offer our employees a wide range of formats to familiarize them with the topic of artificial intelligence. As an example, we launched a holistic learning initiative, Expedition C, which focuses on six different areas of transformation. Employees across all functions and countries are encouraged to participate in this initiative and, for example, educate themselves further on topics like sustainability, culture, and artificial intelligence. What is important here is a respectful and, above all, honest discourse. Our employees are invited to share their thoughts and opinions openly with us once they have had their first experience with the AI system. This also includes naming their concerns and fears and asking questions. It would be naive to expect unanimous enthusiasm from our colleagues. However, this is precisely why there must be a space within the company for this. At Covestro, this is something our employees can discuss with experts and managers and get involved with. This is the aspect of responsibility that rests with our employees when we talk about shared responsibility.

Through training, exchange and empowerment, we strengthen our employees and ensure that they deal confidently with the topic of artificial intelligence. And a workforce that is self-confident because it is taken along on Covestro's transformation journey is capable of actively helping to shape it. Because employees can focus on future issues instead of remaining anxiously in the now. At HR, we take our role seriously, empower our employees and enable participation.”

And if you had a crystal ball, what do you think the future of work at Covestro would look like?

“Generally, I don't believe in getting carried away with forecasts that look more than two years into the future. Change and progress move too fast. I would like to see us continue to have enough jobs with creative freedom. Artificial intelligence is, in my opinion, a harbinger of the rapid development that lies in store for us. Human-machine interfaces are increasingly changing. This will lead to even more integrated collaboration, across departmental boundaries. Artificial intelligence will be increasingly integrated into our everyday working lives. At HR, we are taking on the question of how we deal with these changes. What do these changes mean culturally for our workforce – and how do we take our employees with us on these issues.

Human Resources is not only a driver of transformation, but is also transforming itself. Helping to shape these developments is incredibly exciting.”

Anyone who would like to listen to the podcast can find it here: https://nwx.new-work.se/newworkstories/detail/die-kunst-der-transformation-welche-auswirkungen-hat-sie-und-wie-halt-man-schritt (only available in German).

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