
Joint Solutions

Circular Economy driven by cooperation


• Covestro cooperates with players throughout the value cycle
• New business opportunities thanks to Circular Economy

Shifting to a global Circular Economy is a large-scale project that can only be achieved through collaboration. Society, businesses, and governments will have to cooperate across borders and continents. Different industry sectors must join forces, and within these sectors, individual players will have to work together find and implement practical new solutions. With its Circular Economy program, Covestro strives to play a part in enabling the collaboration that will drive global sustainability forward.

To find the best Circular Economy solutions, Covestro aims to cooperate with players throughout the value chain. Circular Economy can open up new business opportunities, value paths, and relationships beyond current B2B models.

European solidarity

As part of the EU Circular Plastics Alliance founded in 2019, Covestro collaborates with numerous other organizations that help push plastic recycling forward throughout Europe. The Alliance, brings together 100 partners from across the value chain – including plastic manufacturers and processors like Covestro, large retailers, and waste management and recycling companies. By 2025, the Alliance aims for ten million tons of recycled plastic to be used across Europe each year.

More transparency

Covestro is active in the Circularise PLASTICS partnership, a groundbreaking initiative developing new ways to trace plastics back to their origin using blockchain technology. To develop this solution that will help to increase transparency in the supply chain, Covestro is working with polyamide supplier DOMO and the start-up Circularise.

Together against plastic waste

To stop the flow of plastic waste into our rivers and oceans, Covestro is collaborating with other businesses. Due to improper waste management, plastic pollution is a challenge of global proportions, with countries across Africa and Asia being particularly in need of answers.

With so much waste, it’s easy for plastic to become vilified. But plastic itself isn’t the problem. In fact, high-quality plastics are problem-solvers, providing answers for renewable energy, environmentally-friendly mobility, and sustainable building. Covestro is convinced plastics are far too valuable to end up in the environment. All waste should be regarded and used as a resource.

To help turn the tide on plastic disposals, Covestro is part of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste, a global network of companies active since 2019. Because there is no one single answer to the issue of plastic waste, the initiative tackles the waste problem from a variety of angles: Introducing and developing infrastructure, promoting innovative technology and solutions, educating and empowering nations and citizens, and cleaning plastic waste from the environment.



Über Covestro:

Mit einem Umsatz von 12,4 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2019 gehört Covestro zu den weltweit größten Polymer-Unternehmen. Geschäftsschwerpunkte sind die Herstellung von Hightech-Polymerwerkstoffen und die Entwicklung innovativer Lösungen für Produkte, die in vielen Bereichen des täglichen Lebens Verwendung finden. Die wichtigsten Abnehmerbranchen sind die Automobilindustrie, die Bauwirtschaft, die Holzverarbeitungs- und Möbelindustrie sowie der Elektro-und Elektroniksektor. Hinzu kommen Bereiche wie Sport und Freizeit, Kosmetik, Gesundheit sowie die Chemieindustrie selbst. Covestro produziert an 30 Standorten weltweit und beschäftigt per Ende 2019 rund 17.200 Mitarbeiter (umgerechnet auf Vollzeitstellen).

Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter www.covestro.com.
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